Zero Plan Details

Dear merchant

Welcome to Souq Joha.

We appreciate your time to review the details of the packages, so their explanation will be brief. In case of further inquiries, you can contact customer service

By subscribing with us and displaying your products on our website, Souq Joha By doing so, you will have created your online store on our website. With your username and password ,you can manage your online store by adding, modifying or deleting your products or services. You can even modify your site if you simply move to a new site. Products and services are also sold directly to the customer and shipped via the official carrier of Souq Joha

It is a package included in the promotional offers for the Souq Joha, which is given to merchants to subscribe to the site and experience all its services

  • This package is not a flat fee, but a% of sales achieved are charged. This percentage varies depending on the products offered on the site
  • In addition to 75 pounds a monthly subscription to receive the products from the merchant

The package includes the following:

  • Displaying 150 products per month on the Souq Joha for your products.

Each product has an additional image to display product details

  • In addition to a mailing bulletin every monthly for those interested in your products, it is sent to all subscribers on the website and application.

provided that there is a discount of at least 10% on the product to increase the opportunity to sell it through the Souq Joha.

  • Uploading 3 posts on the social media platforms of the Souq Joha
  • Also, it is possible to subscribe to the Deal section today if you provide a discount on any product more than 30%
  • Communication between you and technical support once a week
  • Advertising your products through notifications and messages to Souq Joha application users

We can also provide more services to increase the size of your business by purchasing the following services: –

  • Product photography sessions with the highest accuracy and professionalism, and preparing them for online viewing
  • Ads for your products on the Souq Joha homepage (site and application)
  • Advertisements for your products, the internal pages of Souq Joha (site and application)
  • Upload products to the site and verify their authenticity in the Souq Joha
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